Monopoly Play Again When U Roll 12 on Dice

This department of the Monopoly wikibook will detail the official rules of the game. The object of the game is to bulldoze all of your opponents into bankruptcy.


To prepare the game, the post-obit actions are taken:

  • The lath is laid out on the playing surface.
  • The Run a risk and Community Breast card decks are shuffled and laid face up down on their designated positions on the board.
  • One player is selected to be the Banker. The Broker will manage the Banking company's assets – dealing out title deeds, bonus coin and buildings to players, collecting taxes and penalty money, and conducting auctions. The Banker may participate in the game if they desire to, only they must keep their personal assets divide from the Bank'south assets at all times.
  • Each player selects a token and places it on Go.
  • Each actor is dealt 1,500: ii 500 notes, iv 100 notes, one fifty note, ane xx note, two 10 notes, ane 5 note and 5 1 notes. The exact distribution may differ between editions.
  • Each player rolls the dice. The player with the highest full goes first. In the effect of a tie, roll once again.

Basic Gameplay

A thespian'south plough consists of that player rolling the dice and moving their token clockwise that many spaces around the board. Then, the thespian undertakes an action respective to the blazon of space they landed on. And so, their plow ends and play passes to the next histrion clockwise from them.

If a player rolls doubles (the same value on both die), then later they have resolved the action for the space they landed on they are allowed to roll the die again and take an boosted turn. If they roll doubles a 2nd consecutive time, they are allowed to take a 2d boosted plow. However, if the player rolls doubles a third consecutive time they are "caught speeding" – they must movement their token directly to the "In Jail" department of the Jail space, and their turn is over.

Types of Spaces

There are 2 wide types of spaces in Monopoly – properties and action spaces.


At that place are 28 properties in the game, each of which has a title human action card associated with information technology, detailing hire, building toll and mortgage value. The properties are divided as follows:

  • Streets are the nearly numerous property – there are 22 streets in the game. Each street belongs to a colour ready alongside i or two other streets. Starting from Get and proceeding clockwise, the color sets are brown (purple in before editions), light bluish, pink, orange, ruby-red, yellow, green and dark blue. Each street infinite has a coloured bar along the superlative indicating what colour set that street belongs to – this bar is also nowadays on the title deed.
  • At that place are four railroads (too known as stations) located at the middle of each side of the board.
  • Finally, in that location are two utilities, the Electrical Company and the Water Works. The Electrical Visitor is in between St. Charles Place/Mantle Mall and States Avenue/Whitehall, while the H2o Works is in between Ventnor Avenue/Coventry Street and Marvin Gardens/Piccadilly.

Action Spaces

There are 12 action spaces, organised every bit follows:

  • Six carte spaces, which are divided into three Risk spaces and three Community Breast spaces.
  • 2 tax spaces, Income and Luxury.
  • The iv corner spaces, which are Become, Jail, Free Parking and Go to Jail.

Landing on Spaces

When a player lands on a space, they accept an action determined by the type of infinite they landed on:

  • If the player lands on an unowned property, they may choose to either purchase the holding or put it up for auction.
    • If the player chooses to purchase the property, they pay the property's price, which is listed at the bottom of its space, to the Banking concern. Then the Banker gives them the belongings's championship deed, which the new owner displays face up in front of them to designate that they own the property.
    • If the player chooses not to purchase the property, the holding is put up for auction by the Banker, where each player (including the actor who deferred ownership the property) attempts to out-bid their opponents. Behest starts at 10 and may be increased past increments of equally piffling as 1. Also, behest does not have to follow turn club. Each player must make a bid that is i higher than the previous bid. Once bidding has reached a high enough amount that no-i wants to bid whatever further, the player who fabricated the highest bid wins the property for the agreed price. They pay the agreed price to the Banking concern and receive the title deed. Too, if no-one wants to bid on the belongings, the property remains unsold and the title act remains with the Bank.
  • If the player lands on a property that is owned by some other role player, the owner must ask them for hire.
    • If the possessor asks for rent, the lander must pay the possessor rent. The amount of money paid volition be stated past the title deed:
      • For streets, rent is influenced by the street's monopoly status, development level and mortgage status.
      • For railroads/stations, rent is determined by how many railroads/stations the owner owns – one railroad/station gives a rent of 25, two railroads/stations 50, iii 100 and all four 200.
      • For utilities, the full of the dice is multiplied by a number to give the hire amount. If the owner owns i utility the dice total is multiplied past 4, and if the owner owns both utilities the dice total is multiplied past ten.
    • If the owner fails to ask for rent earlier the next actor in turn society rolls the dice, the lander does not have to pay.
  • If the player lands on a Chance or Community Chest space, they must draw the top card from the appropriate deck. Then they follow the card'due south instructions, which will either involve paying or losing money or moving to a specific space. In one case the instructions have been carried out, the card is returned to the bottom of the advisable deck.
    • The exceptions are the Go out of Jail Free cards, of which in that location is 1 in each deck. If the role player draws a Go Out of Jail Gratuitous bill of fare, they must go along it face in front of them until they are set up to use or trade information technology.
  • If the histrion lands on a tax infinite, they must pay the appropriate amount to the Bank.
    • In earlier versions of the game, a histrion who landed on Income Tax was given one of ii choices – they could pay 200 equally with later on editions, or they could calculate 10% of their total internet worth in buildings, cash and properties and pay that. One time locked in the choice was terminal – no leeway was given to contrary an unwise pick. The x% option was eliminated in the September 2008 graphic redesign of the game.
  • If the player lands on Free Parking, Jail or a property that they own, nothing happens. The player will move from these spaces on their next plow.
    • If the histrion lands on Jail as part of a normal plow, they place their token in the "Just Visiting" section of the infinite. They are unhindered and may move from Jail on their adjacent turn.
  • If the role player lands on or passes Become, they receive a 200 bacon from the Bank.
  • Finally, if the player lands on Go to Jail, they must motility their token to the "In Jail" department of the Jail space immediately! They move direct into Jail, then they do not pass Get and practice not collect a salary, and their turn is over.


A slice in Jail. Passing pieces stay off the "In Jail" section in orange.

A thespian will be sent to the "In Jail" section of the Jail infinite if:

  • They land on the Become to Jail space.
  • They depict a Chance or Customs Breast card that instructs them to "Go to Jail".
  • They curl doubles iii consecutive times on the dice.

As already stated in the property actions heading above, If the histrion lands on Jail as part of a normal plow, they place their token in the "But Visiting" section of the space. They are unhindered and may motion from Jail on their side by side turn.

Whilst a player is in Jail, they will be unable to movement. Nonetheless, they may still take part in other actions, such equally buying and selling buildings, taking office in auctions, collecting rent and trading.

In social club to get out of Jail, a actor has 3 options:

  • Pay a 50 fine, and then roll and motion every bit normal.
  • Utilize a Exit of Jail Free card. The menu is returned to the bottom of the advisable deck, so the player rolls and moves as normal.
  • The histrion may whorl the die. If they roll a double, they are released from Jail. They will use the scroll to movement, only different a normal double they will not be allowed to roll again. If the player does non roll a double, they remain in Jail.

If the player fails to curlicue a double by their third turn in Jail, then if the third curl is not a double the player will be forced to pay l. So they utilise the gyre to move.

Ownership Buildings

If a actor owns all of the streets in a colour prepare, they have a monopoly on that colour set. Rent on unimproved properties in that colour set will exist doubled, and that role player may start buying buildings on streets in that color set to increment the rent, provided none of the properties in that color set are mortgaged (which will be explained afterwards).

Buildings may only be built on streets – not on railroads/stations or utilities.

In that location are two types of buildings in Monopoly: houses and hotels. Houses, which are coloured light-green, are e'er congenital first, followed by hotels, which are coloured reddish. A histrion may build buildings at any time they similar – they do not take to wait for their turn. The prices of houses and hotels are listed on the street's championship human activity - l for the browns and light blues, 100 for the pinks and oranges, 150 for the reds and yellows and 200 for the greens and dark dejection.

If a player wants to build a house on a street, they pay the amount listed on the street's title deed and have a firm from the Bank, which they place on the colour strip running along the top of the street'southward lath space.

Players must build evenly – if one street in the color set has a business firm, a 2d business firm may not exist built until houses have been built on the other streets. Likewise, a street with ii houses may not receive a third until all of the streets in the colour set take two houses, and and then on.

The maximum number of houses that may be placed on a street is four. Afterward that, if all of the streets in that colour set take four houses, the histrion may pay to upgrade the houses to a hotel. The player pays the appropriate corporeality, so returns the four houses to the Banking concern and places a hotel on the street'southward colour strip. Once a street has a hotel it may not exist improved further.

In that location are 32 houses and 12 hotels bachelor from the Bank. If there are no houses left in the Bank, no player will be able to purchase new houses until houses are freed up, either from beingness upgraded to hotels or being sold. If no hotels are left in the Bank, then four-house groups may non be upgraded until new hotels become available.

The fact that players may buy buildings at any fourth dimension may effect in a situation where multiple players desire to buy the last of a particular building. If this happens, the building(s) in question will exist put up for auction, the auction working the same way as with a holding auction.


A merchandise consists of a deal in which two players exchange some of their assets.

A player may advise a merchandise with another player at any indicate in the game, even when it is not their plough. There are three assets that may be involved in a merchandise – money, backdrop and Exit of Jail Complimentary cards. The amount traded is decided by the players making the deal.

If a thespian wishes to merchandise a street, whatever buildings on that street's colour prepare must be sold beforehand.

The histrion who has been offered the trade may accept, reject, or suggest a counter-offer on their ain terms.

Trades may non be used to loan or gift players money.

Help! I Tin can't Pay!

If a histrion finds that they owe money but practice not have enough concrete money to pay the debt, they will demand to heighten money to pay the debt. This tin be done by selling buildings and mortgaging properties.

Selling Buildings

If a player wants to sell a building, they render the edifice to the Banking company and collect the sale price, which is half of the initial buy cost for buildings in that colour set. Selling a hotel will immediately replace it with four houses. And similar with buying buildings, buildings must be sold evenly across the color set.

Mortgaging Properties

A role player may mortgage a property once all of the buildings in its colour fix have been sold. To mortgage, the property'south title act is flipped over, revealing the "mortgaged" side, and the player collects the mortgage value from the Bank. Whilst a property is mortgaged hire cannot exist nerveless on it. Withal, mortgaged streets in a monopoly do not prevent the unimproved unmortgaged backdrop in that colour set up from charging double rent. The boosted rent from owning multiple railroads/stations or utilities may be collected in the aforementioned fashion even if some of those properties are mortgaged.

A thespian may unmortgage a property afterwards if they have sufficient funds. To unmortgage a belongings, the thespian pays back the mortgage value + 10% involvement, and flips the title act back over to its "unmortgaged" side.

If a histrion receives a mortgaged holding through a trade or by bankrupting someone, they must immediately choose between unmortgaging the property or merely paying the 10% interest and leaving the holding mortgaged.

Defalcation and the Stop of the Game

If a histrion is in the very unfortunate situation where they take sold all of their buildings and mortgaged all of their backdrop, and still practise not have enough money to pay a debt, that histrion is bankrupt, and they are eliminated from the game. What happens adjacent depends on who bankrupted them:

  • If the thespian was bankrupted by another player, the creditor will immediately seize all of the debtor's remaining assets. If mortgaged backdrop are amongst the assets seized, the creditor will immediately have to make up one's mind to unmortgage the backdrop or keep the mortgages.
  • If the player was bankrupted past the Bank (eastward.g. via a tax they exercise not have the coin to pay), the Bank volition seize all of the thespian's assets – Any mortgaged properties accept their mortgages cancelled, any money is returned to the Bank and any Get Out of Jail Free cards are returned to the bottom of the advisable decks. And then, the Bank will sale off all of the properties that it has seized.

The game ends in one case all merely 1 player are bankrupt – that player is the winner.

Other Notes

  • The Bank cannot get bankrupt. If the Bank runs out of coin, the Banker may result equally much equally needed by writing on whatever ordinary newspaper.


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